Friday, February 16, 2007

Flipped then Bummed

I’ve been waiting for a phone call for the past ten days, I’m not a very good “waiter”. I flip out and literally jump whenever the phone rings, I can’t control my nerves! Seriously why would a well respected organization say that they will get back to you within ten days and not call you on the 11th day! Why?!
I’m also bummed out over something that did seem too good to be true. Basically, it is, was, my DREAM job, and I built myself up so much for it for me to eventually find out that the position has been filled.


Anonymous said...

Don't give up ... there will always be others ...

Me said...

Salam..what you thought was your dream job obviously,was not...there is something special out there for you...just be patient!

S.N. said...

Thanks for cheering me up!

عادل said...

you know what? i had the same incident 3 months ago. a company in dubai kept calling me and saying "we'll get back to you and stuff" finally i got sick of it!


and life goes on... said...

It all happens for the best.. if you didn't get this job, then im sure there's something better that will come up in your way sometime soon inshalla!

I can't remember the number of interviews I made when I first graduated, and I wouldn't think of a better job to spend the first two years doing more than what im doing now!

Best of luck !

S.N. said...

Thanks Adel and "and life goes on"