Monday, January 15, 2007


We allow ourselves to judge people according to where they are from, according to what we refer to as “background”, we don’t give ourselves the chance to look at the experiences that they have been through.
That’s what shapes a person, what they’ve been through, that’s what makes a person who they are. What doesn’t make a person is where they were born, or what country does the passport they hold belong to, or where their parents are from.
Why is it that we allow ourselves to complicate things that are already complicated? There are no two people in this whole world that are the same, not one pair. So why is it that we condemn other people for thinking in a different way than we do?
Having a brain comes with a purpose of using it, also known as thinking, that’s what makes us who we are, different complicated people, with so many precious little details that define us as who we are.
You can never put yourself in my shoes, and I can never put myself in yours. So please… Stop trying.

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