Tuesday, February 13, 2007

على استعداد للاستعداد؟

.ما الحياةُ إلا استعداداً لشيءٍ لم يحدث بعد


Anonymous said...

Is it like wating for something to happen.

Anonymous said...

I hate one liners!
ما الحياة الا مسرح كبير
ما الحياة الا محطة عابرة
ما الحياة الا جناح بعوضة

S.N. said...

Hamede, Thanks for passing by. Isn’t all of our life about waiting for something? I sometimes feel that all my life has been and will always be a temporary situation. Like waiting to get accepted in a school, waiting to see if I get a scholarship, or waiting to hear back from a job, waiting for your loved ones to come back, waiting for someone important in your life to graduate or get promoted or move… so it’s true, life is all about being ready, anxious, and looking forward to something that hasn’t happened yet.
Qwaider, خير الكلام ما قل و دل :)

Anonymous said...

i knew that :-) actually i came up with that phrase :-)tell me something i do not know :-)

S.N. said...

I'm not sure I know what you're talking about ya abu shakuush, feel free to explain! But in any event, thanks for passing by :)

and life goes on... said...

I've always felt life is waiting for something to happen... you don't know what, where or when... you just keep waiting for the unknown !