Friday, January 19, 2007

A Luxury

People should realize that when they don’t have enough financial resources to fulfill their dreams, they should give up on making these dreams into reality.
I’m not trying to suppress or depress dreamers, I’m a dreamer myself.
I think that if I’m not financially well off, and I come from a family who has enough of their own expenses and bills to pay… I should shut up and take whatever it is that is out there.
I have seen people exploiting their family’s money to take on a dream that is obviously a waste, both of time and money.
I’m against quitting, submission and walking away from challenges. I just think that I should do what I want and what I’m passionate about in my own time, and at my own expense… not at the expense of others.


Anonymous said...

I have my own semi-famous saying about this: Dreams are overrated, I prefer the real thing.

I think no one should give up on thier dreams because of lackof resources. Dreams help us set goals and milestones in our life. That's the positive approach when dealing with dreams.

SZ said...

obviously it doesn't work that way in uae where almost everyone is tied to his/her knees by the banks ... thumps up for this post... but i still say depends on the dreams.. some dreams are just worth whatever it takes.

secretdubai said...

Well it depends what the dream is. If the dream is unrealistic and selfish - like becoming a filmstar when you have zero looks or talent - and you sit around year after year wasting your family's money then yes, that's selfish.

But giving up a dream to be a doctor, or a scientist, when a person has genuine talent and ability, just because of a lack of cash? That's appalling. That's the reason there is public education, so even the very poorest people can get a chance to educate themselves and use their abilities for their benefit and the benefit of the wider world.

If you have a world where only rich people's children get to learn and lead and innovate, well you'll have a pretty shitty world.

S.N. said...

"If you have a world where only rich people's children get to learn and lead and innovate, well you'll have a pretty shitty world."
Agreed, I think I implied that in my post. I’m talking about people who lack common sense. The example you gave is perfect: “like becoming a filmstar when you have zero looks or talent - and you sit around year after year wasting your family's money then yes, that's selfish.”
I have a dream, thanks for passing by, and yes! Some dreams ARE worth it no matter what! :)
Qwaider, it’s not only a matter of resources, it’s a matter of mentality and common sense. And you are right “Dreams help us set goals and milestones in our life. That's the positive approach when dealing with dreams.”
Thank you all for passing by, you guys are my first commentators!!